Wednesday, February 24, 2010

................Watch Out World Here I Come!

Well hello my faithful followers lol :)
Today is a day for deep thoughts (by jack handy) hahah Today is a day for reflection and soul searching. Today is a day to talk to oneself about what is wanted from life :) Take today and grab it by the booty! Tell Today it has to serve you and make you a better person. Open your heart and let the love flow in. Shut out cynicism and tell it to go away! Life is too short to be unhappy! Life is too precious to let it swim past you without jumping on its back. I am feeling very philosophical this morning lol Eat! Pray! Love (not sure if i can say this phrase without being sued for copyright infringement lol) Go grab your favorite book and read it! If you are in need of a great book get "Shiver" by Maggie Stiefvater. It is a beautiful book about love...which we all could use more of :) I hope you all fill your day with happiness and realize you all are so wonderful and Daughters of a loving God! Never let your potential go by the wayside! Remember only YOU can make you happy! Only YOU can make the choices to improve your life! Only YOU can create the best you possible! I love you all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I havent posted in forever!

Well Howdy folks lol! I haven't been on my blog in forever!!! I guess I have so much going on with 2 twitter accounts 3 facebook accounts 2 myspace accounts 1 youtube and 3 email address's that I didn't think I'd have time for this too...but alas I am here trying to make an updated posting for you :) Oh did I mention on top of that I have an almost 4 year old son lol How do I get anything done!? You can call me super woman ha ha jk! So lots has happened since the last time I posted :) I am now working on a 4th twilight saga inspired song! This song works for Eclipse or Breaking Dawn :) I also have about 6 other songs I am working on as well..not related to twilight. However I am working on a song for an AMAZING book I just read! It is called Shiver!!! Go buy it today! You will love it! They are making it into a movie and I hope they will want to use my song on their soundtrack! I have a thing for writing soundtrack music yes I know lol

I cannot update everything here that has gone on in the last i will update from here on out any news :) Please visit me also on to purchase a cd or listen to music :) Or or or or lol hope I didn't forget anything =)
many hugs to you all!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hey Everyone!!
My New Moon Song Is Up And Ready To Listen To!! let me know what you think!!!!
love u all
Candace and Josh

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sooo i haven't written in forever lol so i figured i needed to update this. As most of you know the song has taken a completely different direction for the better. We have added a male vocalist named Josh Leon from the band london airspace. He is an amazing vocalist and im super excited to have him on the song!! The song now depicts the scene between Edward and Bella when he is telling her he has to leave her :( soo sad!!! We think the name of this song will be called "Never Erase" which will make sense once u hear the song :)
We are done with all vocals and mixing, now we are waiting on mastering and Josh has to come up with the rest of the money to pay for the song. This was another very very very expensive song lol but its allll worth it. As soon as we have the song paid for and mastered we will be off to set up our appointment with Summit! We are crossing our fingers that all goes well with that and we will be able to get our song on the New Moon Soundtrack!!! Wish us luck :) Here is a pic of josh and i :) It is not the best pic of us but all i have right now lol josh looks like he is about to fall asleep haha but hes still super cute :) all you ladies out there he is single lol!! and hes almost 19 years old. Anywho i will update as soon as we have the song ready to listen to!

love you all


Friday, November 7, 2008

Progress on song

Yesterday was a good day! I went into the studio and started working on vocals. It started out good but we soon realized that the song was missing something...and the conclusion we came to was the song needs to resolve. There is a lot of tension in the song and during the bridge we decided to resolve the story and make it and on a happy note :) It will all make sense when you hear the song. I know to someone who has not heard it might be thinking "WHAT"!? lol So we are taking a few days off to work on the bridge and last chorus. So now im off to get workin :)
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Going To The Recording Studio

Hey Everyone!
Well today is the day i start vocals on my new song! I'm super excited!! Justin was up all night till around 5am working on the music for our song! He is the man!! So that should be a good indicator for how much hard work and dedication goes into creating good music :) So I should start recording this afternoon!

I was watching a video about Twilight and the cast this morning on That site is awesome!! Anyways this video had a great interview with Rosalie and Bella (Kristen and Niki) In that interview they say exactly what my song is about! It's pretty awesome! So I thought I would share the video with you all :)
the spot where she talks about it is at 1:38 Go watch!!!

I will post tomorrow with my thoughts about the vocals and how I did :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey Everyone,
I thought i would start a music blog to update everyone on what is going on with my music life! I am currently working on my new song. This song is going to be very different then "The Smell Of Your Skin All Over My Body" It has a very fast beat and a harder rock sound. I am again working with Justin Salter former Scary Kids Scary Kids Drummer. He is doing the Drums, guitar and co producing. Were are still deciding if we are going to use Pete Costa also former SKSK drummer for the piano. I sent him the song we have so far and hopefully he can think of something awesome like he did on my other song.

The new song will be titled "I can't" It is my second Twilight Song! This song is about how Bella Feels about Edward in the beginning of their relationship. She is in love with him early on but doesn't think she should be since she doesn't realize he loves her too. She is having feelings of "I cant have you, I cant need you" and so forth. She wants him soo bad that she feels almost sick about it. Their love is forbidden in most people's eyes. So the song is really about the early struggle she deals with. I should hopefully have the song up early next week. I am going into the studio tomorrow to work on vocals! Yea!! I'm super excited. Anyways hope this gives everyone an update :)
Candace Charee'
Thought i would put my Twilight Music Video up As Well